Sunday, February 15, 2015

Deepak Chopra , HIV comments & endangerment in the New Age.

Deepak Chopra, HIV  & Manifestation .. New age points of endangerment .
Recently  some skeptics  were shocked at an interview w/ Anthony Robbins & Deepak Chopra where Chopra was caught making comments that seemed to be akin to HIV denial in terms of his seeming presenting HIV not being casual factor of AIDS.  
Chopra's response to Jerry Coyne from  Chopra foundation page that I just found .. 
In his statement back to Jerry Coynce , Chopra seems to present that he was not denying HIV was cause of AIDS on his foundation page.   He brought up his use of words  “precipitating agent” about HIV and Aids.. but he did seem to blame people for their vibration for getting AIDS..
Chopra seemed to indicate that this was not a recent interview..   Most of us had no idea this was from so long ago...  .. Reading this just now I feel a little better about Chopra..  Glad he put that on the Chopra foundation board that he was not denying HIV as cause of AIDS . It does make huge difference in how one sees his HIV comments. But is it right to in any way say the vibration of a person was factor in their getting an illness if you can't prove it ? What does it mean to blame a person for something happening to them due to their vibration ?
When you look at what Chopra is endorsing via Esther Hicks and the excuses he makes to let James van Praagh whom he plugs at the Chopra center to continue to endorse Doreen Virtue no matter the dangerous thing she has said on suicide ( that those who talk of it never do it )  vaccines and other things.. it's flooring. With Hicks you see a whole lot of vibrational statements that seem to indicate you via your vibration cause everything that happens to you.  In Doreen Virtue you get told whatever she makes up in the name of angels... including telling people WRONG SUICIDE Info she has never corrected! Doreen Virtue seems to feel entitled to give out wrong psychiatric statements, anti-vaccine statements and is now tied to a video where a co-author tells us all about beyond the illusion of our pain our bodies are healthy?? WTH
I  tweeted Chopra months ago hoping he would demand that Doreen Virtue fix all her wrong medical statements.. but he blew it off as unimportant.  Even though I had hoped of all the people in the new age it would be a medical DR who would demand life be protected. He went forward to give endorsement to Esther Hicks who was listed in my initial complaint to him about the stuff James van praagh plugs.. And Doreen Virtue went forward with angel pain woo..
I was floored  when I thought Chopra's comments on HIV new ( which he states they are NOT  on his Chopra foundation board.. ) that some were just now seeing  the scary implications of what Chopra’s views on life could be when applied to medicine.  

Chopra has been presenting to all who will listen to him the  concept of “manifestation”  via the cosmic consciousness for quite some time as have many other New age Gurus including Oprah Winfrey, James Van Praagh, Esther Hicks, JZ Knight as Ramtha, etc

What does it mean when someone says that our very thoughts create the world around us?

  Does that mean how we view a situation affects how we shall see our options and  how we may react  or …does it mean our literal thoughts create the actual reality itself as if we were in the Matrix movie ? To the New Ager they are taking it as literally creating.

What does it mean when a New Ager says they are going to manifest something?   Does it mean the same thing as when a Christian says they are going to pray for something? No.  “The Secret”…which plugs the new age dogma of manifestation is based upon the energetic assumption that you are a god . You may say you have to be kidding me right.. and I shall say to  you think about it , for you to do what they claim in your ability to manifest via the power of thought and vibration if you could create  great wealth, perfect health , love out of nothing  etc.. this implies you are god or have god source power correct?
James Van Praagh in AZ (Feb 2014) stated it boldly when he declared: “There is no one God. There are many gods. We are all gods. “

To those  aware of Judeo-Christian teaching yes this means that they are not only making themselves  their very own false idols but they are also teaching others to perceive themselves as their own gods as well. Some say it boldly as James Van Praagh did, some dance around the subject with convoluted “word salads” like Chopra does in his teachings.  

Those of you with any sense of solid grounding in reality , are probably well aware that you are not a god and that your cannot via your thoughts change the laws of the universe & existence.

 Those of you who are psy reactive can probably fairly easily differentiate between the concept that thought is a form of energy that can transmit and that energy reacts with energy and then see how this differs from the claims in the New Age that we via our very thoughts/vibration  are the main creators of our actual universe.
When New Agers say you are from & one w/ source that means you are god. When New Agers say you are one with the cosmic consciousness that means you are a part of god not as in part of his creation but literally that you are god.   There is also a New Age tendency to reject absolute right & wrong.  From what I’ve seen at Hay House:  The only important things are how you feel & how much money you can make on others . Only forgiveness you need is self-forgiveness. It’s all about self-worship & self-love.  Others are accessories to use & make money on.

It seems to me after watching Doreen Virtue    (a friend of Chopra's according to one of her tweets) endanger life in Seattle when she told the mom of an actively suicidal son wrong suicide info ....that it seems in the New age you ‘re never actually required to treat followers  w/ respect by being completely truthful to them as if they actually mattered  or to compensate them for harm done to them by any misinformation you or any you endorse give  that could harm  , You don’t even have to protect their lives..  New Age “spiritual” Narcissism in action .

***What happens when one takes New Age pantheism  & the core New Age DOGMA of “ you are the creator of your own universe” & you apply it to medicine as an absolute when one is a MD ?

Would it not mean that you would perceive that everything that happens to a patient’s body must be from its source (from the persons themselves)? Would it not mean that one would deny that outside factors ( viruses , cancers etc) are ever the main contributing factors to any illness and that outside application of medical techniques can never actually be the real reason that causes anyone  to actually heal ?  What would this sound like if plainly presented.. maybe like a lecture by Esther Hicks where she informs us all that medicine is just a dog and pony show working only on belief.  

Deepak Chopra is actively plugging Hicks(  who tells people medicine is just a dog and pony show)  at His Chopra center! They are both tied to Hay House.  *** What kind of MD  would do what Chopra is doing in plugging Hicks?

 Maybe  a MD who would plug this is the kind that is denying the basis of what medicine is based on? What kind of MD would put before a group of people a woman claiming to channel an ancient spirit “Abraham”  who tells people they can cure themselves of any illness via the power of thought & yet had her own husband die of cancer after he used conventional chemotherapy ?

The MD  that plugs this as real seems to be  one in denial of his moral obligation to the public to only bring forward that which is absolutely true tied to medicine &  one who is seemingly denying results .Hicks’s husband is dead from CANCER despite having access to Hicks/Abraham. Chopra is some how making that an unimportant footnote to think of while helping tout her as real to the public. 

Some  skeptics say Chopra has lost it and is going down dangerous ground.  
 My view:  Chopra is just more fully & vocally following the Manifestation teachings  that he has been following for quite  some time . He is doing so with the with the same zest that a devout  Muslim follows the Koran but with Chopra his ego is  emboldened with Oprah plugging him & by the sad reality that no media outlet calls him out as a  dangerous. He is seemingly aligning everything he presents to the Manifestation teaching.
He is following his New age religion.  I suspect that  he can no more accept that the manifestation concept cannot be an absolute and it being questioned as wrong than a Muslim who believes in the holiness of Prophet Mohammed  can question Mohammed ‘s actual ill deeds without having to face the lies of the dogmas.
Via science..  We know that people can become ill/ sick for a variety of reasons and that denying viruses or germs , genetics,  other external factors actual impact as contributing factors to illness beyond one’s thoughts  could significantly impact the  manner in which a person is most likely to be treated  and thus it can significantly alter their health care outcomes.

At present Chopra wobbles between Woo  manifestation & medicine.  He wants to be king of the Woo and desperately craves for those in science to bless him.    

No ethical scientist could give endorsement to one endorsing that which Chopra does if they could see it fully .  

The typical MD is using medicine in ways that medicine has shown works and attributes the medicine working based on actual science working, not based on the concept everything in medicine is some kind of placebo and all treatments are the same.   If medicine was working just on belief and the mode of treatment did not matter, then medical school would actually not be needed.

Skeptics may want to ask  Deepak Chopra:

1)      How is he endorsing & plugging Hicks if he believes medicine is real? If he thinks medicine is not real then he can not be trusted to be practicing MD right?

If he thinks medicine real but openly endorses one who says it is not then it seems he is guilty of actively endorsing one spreading what he knows is misinformation to the public regarding medicine right? Does this not violate the AMA ethics guidelines?
2)      How is Chopra endorsing James Van Praagh at Chopra center  when Van Praagh was caught lying to Miklos Jako & has never apologized for it ?  Deepak Chopra James Van Praagh event

3)      How is Chopra endorsing James Van Praagh with Van Praagh endorsing Doreen Virtue ? Does Chopra think we are not really human & this correct to tell the general public about who they are?

4)      Does Chopra think Pain is an illusion  & our bodies perfectly healthy? If not why is he not speaking out against this practicing of seeming pain mgt in the name of angel woo published and endorsed by Hay House whom he works with?

5)      Does Chopra think it ethical to leave wrong suicide info in play and to endorse those who are tied to those who do so ?  Neither James Van Praagh nor Medium John Holland have demanded Doreen Virtue fix her wrong suicide statements . They remain in play to this day.

Who does Chopra think should have fixed this wrong information and when? 

Does Chopra even think it matters that Doreen Virtue  told the mother of an actively suicidal  20 yr old Black male that those who talk of suicide NEVER do it.. They just want attention. They need counseling. But they don't ever do it.? If it matters why was nothing done immediately to fix the statements?

Was it ethical for Chopra  to endorse one tied to Doreen Virtue with his being aware of her wrong suicide statement? Chopra as a New age Leader should he not be setting the ethical bar high instead of helping make excuses for his friends to endanger life?

6)      Does Chopra think psychics have any place telling people what vaccines to take? Does He support James Van Praagh actively plugging Doreen Virtue during flu season with her having up several anti-flu shot posts that could cause New age consumers to skip flu shots due to Doreen Virtue making anti-vaccine statements no one challenges.. including Deepak Chopra.
   Should psychics replace medical DRs in any aspect?
 Who in the psychic community stands to correct the wrong and dangerous misinformation given by psychics?
Why has CHOPRA himself never stood to correct wrong medical info given in the New Age?  If he will not stand to correct his own New Age peers( who are in any way tied to the Chopra center or to those he endoreses)  giving out wrong medical info why should any respect any aspect of the New age or him ?

As you can see there are lots more than just odd HIV statements lurking near Chopra.. so many things to talk about and to ponder in regards to how he fails to call himself and all around him to true medical standards needed to protect life.

 Do New Age consumers not deserve correct medical information?  Do their lives not matter?
 Is it James Randi 's Job to make sure Chopra and his friends don't harm or kill people in their wrong comments?  Or is it the entire New Age's Job to start calling out the bull that can harm for what it is?

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